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Email Marketing is STILL Strong


By: Kristen C., Marketing Coordinator

As technology continues to emerge, it is easy to abandon more traditional methods of marketing. But, for what reason? Email marketing is a tried-and-true process and while technology advancements bring about new strategies, it also amplifies what traditional methods like email marketing can do for a business. Email marketing is inexpensive yet effective and known for providing a high return on investment. It allows for personalization by targeting customers with individual needs, which in return promotes engagement. The results of email marketing can be easily measured using a web analytics service.

When utilizing email marketing, it is especially important to be targeted. You should target audiences that are relevant to your products or services. When an audience feels like the content relates to them, they are much more likely to engage with CTAs. There are many ways you can target email marketing to receive the highest engagement: geo targeting, behavior targeting and lifestyle targeting. These are extremely helpful in any industry, but especially in the automotive industry. Geo targeting allows you to use zip codes, locations and purchase history to reach a specific audience to inform them of upcoming events and promotions. Behavior targeting highlights audiences who regularly interact with your website and other campaigns. It also brings light to those who have previously purchased a product or service from your business in hopes of encouraging them to purchase again. It is also beneficial to consider lifestyle targeting as a way to reach multiple audiences depending on where they are in the buying process. Each cycle of the buying process is important yet each one requires a different approach and a different message.

One highly sought after tactic of email marketing are call to action (CTA) buttons. It is extremely important to ensure that ALL emails (marketing and CRM) have core CTAs for easy access to the desired landing page. In terms of automotive, some great examples are: Get Pre-Qualified, Shop By Payment, Chat Now, Sell Your Car/Value Your Vehicle and Schedule Service. The first step in email marketing is getting the audience’s attention with the targeted message; the next step is getting them to act on it and by providing CTA buttons, you are simplifying the process.

Once you finalize a message that is appropriate for each audience and create applicable CTAs, it’s best to remain consistent. Consistency with email marketing allows you to educate your clientele by building a relationship and promoting trust. By consistently sending out messages via email marketing, you are proving to be a relevant source for useful information. As a result of this, consumers are able to better understand your products and services, which increases the likelihood of purchasing. Consistency can open up a whole line of communication given that your audiences will be familiar with your strategy.

And lastly, in order to promote successful email marketing, it is essential to analyze conquest email results with hard conversions using google analytics. It is especially important to track the end results of your email marketing to ensure you are utilizing the budget in the most effective way. Doing so allows for proper adjustments to increase your company’s click-through rate. A few ways to analyze these results is through forms, calls and chats.

Just to recap, here are four tips for successful email marketing…

  1. Be targeted

  2. Ensure ALL Emails have core CTAs

  3. Be consistent

  4. Watch Conquest Email results with hard conversions on Google Analytics

If you are looking to learn more about email marketing or have any further marketing questions for your dealership, please reach out to our team!

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Jonathan Thompson, Lead Guru | CEO email:

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