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Why and How Should You Get Involved With Your Local Technical & Community Colleges?


By: Kristen C., Marketing Coordinator

Now more than ever, many industries are having a difficult time finding qualified employees with a drive to perform well! But, there are more than likely great applicants for both Fixed-Ops and Variable Ops right in your backyard. Get involved with your local technical and community colleges!

We believe there are three main ways to get involved…

1. Attend a Job Fair🧑‍💼🧑‍🏭

One of the best ways to demonstrate your brand and communicate your true culture to potential applicants is at a job fair! This allows you to speak one-on-one and share what your dealership has to offer including career opportunities, employee success stories, and opportunities for continued education. “By getting in front of technical school students and explaining the culture and career path at your dealership, you can open their eyes to everything your fixed ops team has to offer” (Hireology, 2018). But, this does not ONLY apply to fixed ops, you can also recruit applicants for your variable ops team as well. Reach out to your local technical and community colleges, enroll in the next job fair, and prepare to be flooded with QUALIFIED candidates.

2. Implement and Advertise Job-Shadowing Opportunities 🤓

Job shadowing is a great way to get potential applicants in your dealership to see your culture firsthand. To limit employee turnover rates allow these applicants to come into the dealership and shadow a top salesperson or technician. We do not want to waste time on those who will not blend well with your current employees and culture. These employees are going to be able to make the biggest difference in potential applicants’ experience! There are a lot of misconceptions about what each department is tasked with. For example, technicians are not JUST changing oil. They are also “repairing sensors, high-tech engines, and other technology found in new car models today!” (Hireology, 2018). There is a huge space for GROWTH as technology continues to advance and it is beneficial for you if the applicant understands this.

3. Offer Internship Opportunities 😁

Once a potential applicant job shadows, they may not be 100% ready to commit to a full-time or even part-time role. This is where internship opportunities come into play. They could love the culture and the opportunities available to them, but still want to learn more about a specific department. What better way to learn than through hands-on training? Students benefit tremendously from experience and it allows them to get a good feel for your dealership before they commit to a long-term role. “Less than 1% of job seekers would consider working at a dealership” (Hireology, 2018). Qualified applicants with a STRONG work ethic are hard to come by; let’s change the narrative and set your dealership up for success!

If you are looking to learn more about getting involved with your local technical and community college, please reach out to our team!

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Jonathan Thompson, Lead Guru | CEO email:


Hireology (2018). How to Partner with Technical Schools to Make Fixed-Ops Hires.

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